The answer to this questions highly depends on your skill level but we will do our best to guide you. If you are unsure if eCommerce is something that you would like then we recommend starting with:
This class was created to give you a broad overview of what it takes to create an online business without the financial or legal risk of diving right in. Unfortuantely, we've seen countless people lose substantial amounts of money by following bad advise on social media or from self-proclaimed experts. This class will help you mitigate that risk.
If you've already made up your mind and want to take the plunge then chose your preferred selling platform and get started:
These classes offer a complete overview of everything you need to get started. We focus our efforts on Amazon and Shopify because they are the preferred selling platforms in the industry, for a reason.
Beyond the basics, we offer a variety of classes for intermediate and advanced Sellers. We organize these classes by category so take a look and choose what works best with your goals: