Data & Analytics

Utilizing Customer Analytics

Learn How to Use Customer Analytics to Optimize Your Profitability and Grow Your Business

In the digital age, data is more valuable than gold. But even when you have data most people don’t fully understand how to properly make use of it. In this class we’ll teach you how to collect, transform, and synthesize customer data to drive growth and maximize profitability.

  • 5.0/5.0
  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • Format(s): In-Person | Online
Class Description

Several years ago the telecomm industry rocked the traditional business model. They learned that by offering an expensive phone at an unfront loss, they could make money over time through long term service contracts. This practice led many industies to pay closer attention to customer analytics as a way to increase profitability. Nowadays, the entire tech industry thrives from customer data, even when they provide free services.

In this class, we'll teach you all about understanding your customer. You learn how to collect, transform, and make sense of your customer data to drive increased profitability.

Learning Objectives
  • Understand What Customer Metrics are Important to Your Business
  • Understand How to Collect, Transform, and Synthesize Customer Data
  • Understand How to Use Customer Data for Pricing and Marketing
Class Outline
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
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Limited Seats Available

    Price: $1,999

Class Details

  • Max Size 10
  • Duration 2h 0m
  • Skill Level Advanced
  • Format(s) In-Person | Online

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